Remarkable progress made in labour sector

Son Minh Thang, Party Central Committee member and Secretary of the Central Agencies Bloc Party Committee, addresses the congress. (Photo: CPV)

The 9th Congress of the MOLISA Party Committee opened on August 18 with the participation of 183 delegates.

In his political report delivered at the congress, Le Van Hoat, Standing Deputy Secretary of the MOLISA Party Committee, said that the renewed leadership and drastic direction of Party members, cadres and officers to realize their tasks contributed to improving the law-regulated documents on revolutionary and society, ensuring people’s interests, and completing socialist-oriented market economy.

Sustainable and integrated labour market development solutions continue to be implemented; contributing to reducing the urban unemployment rate and increasing working time for rural labourers.

In terms of education, MOLISA has effectively deployed the central level’s resolution on fundamentally and comprehensively renovating education and training by promptly issuing documents guiding the Law on Vocational Education and relevant regulations. Meanwhile, the State management system on vocational education has been completed at all levels.

The policy system on social insurance and unemployment insurance has continued to be completed with breakthrough points. Along with that, policies on poverty reduction, ensuring of social welfare; child protection and care; and gender equality have been implemented synchronously and effectively, with much progress compared to the previous term.

At the congress, the MOLISA Party Committee identified objectives, tasks, major solutions and two breakthroughs for the 2020-2025 term.

Praising the ministry’s achievements during the past term, MOLISA Minister Dao Ngoc Dung stressed the need to increase cooperation between Party organizations in directing the implementation of political tasks.

Addressing the congress, Son Minh Thang, Party Central Committee member and Secretary of the Central Agencies Bloc Party Committee, appreciated the ministry’s results. “Results gained in realization of political tasks have made important contributions to implementing the Party guidelines and State laws on social welfare and boosting socio-economic development targets set in the 12th National Party Congress resolution,” he said.

He suggested that the ministry should work out specific programs and solutions to overcome weaknesses that the congress put forth.

During the congress, a new MOLISA Executive Party Committee which consists of 23 members was elected. Le Tan Dung, Secretary of the MOLISA Party Committee term VIII and MOLISA Deputy Minister, was elected Secretary for the ministry Party Committee for the new term./.


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