Military Region 7 Party Congress: 20 members elected to Executive Board

The Executive Board of the Military Zone 7 Party Committee (term 2020-2025) made debut. (Photo:

The Party Congress (term 2020-2025) successfully closed in Ho Chi Minh city on August 5 after three days of urgent and serious working.

Lieutenant General Tran Hoai Trung, Political Commissar of the Military Zone was re-elected as Secretary of the Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term; Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong, Commander of the Military Zone was re-elected as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term.

The congress attracted the participation of 300 delegates representing more than 8,000 party members. It was also attended by Mr. Nguyen Thien Nhan, Politburo member and Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh city Party Committee; Senior Lieutenant-General Be Xuan Truong, PCC member; Deputy Minister of National Defense and leaders of 8 provinces in the region.

Lieutenant General Tran Hoai Trung, Secretary of the Military Zone 7 Party Committee, stressed that the congress is a special political activity; continues to affirm the political spirit, self-reliant will, solidarity and the growing strength of the armed forces in the Military Zone 7 over the past 75 years.

Senior Lieutenant General Be Xuan Truong asked the congress to attach importance to thoroughly grasping and realizing resolutions and directives of the Party and Central Military Commission; solutions on associating with executive committees and locality authorities to grasp the situation and give timely advice to actively handle situations; maintaining political security and social order and security in the region.

The congress focused on evaluating the results of 5 years of implementing the Resolution of the 9th Party Congress of the military region (term 2015-2020); reviewing the leadership of the Party Committee; building the Party Committee in the 2020-2025 term and the following years; and discussing to contribute ideas to the draft Documents.

At the congress, delegates also discussed the results the Party Committee achieved over the past term; especially the practical values of new guidelines.

In his closing speech, Lieutenant General Tran Hoai Trung stressed the success of the congress once again affirmed democracy, solidarity, responsibility and determination of the Party Committee. The congress continues to inherit the wisdom and merits of the previous generations of leaders, commanders, officers and soldiers to be renewed and developed in accordance with requirements and tasks in the new situation./.


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