Air Defense-Air Force Political Commissar elected as Secretary of new term

General Ngo Xuan Lich speaking at the congress. (Photo:

After three days of working in a positive, urgent and serious spirit, the 10th Air Defense-Air Force Party Congress (term 2020-2025) successfully closed on August 4th.

General Ngo Xuan Lich, Politburo member, Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Commission and Minister of National Defense, attended and directed the event.

The congress elected 20 comrades to the Executive Board of the Air Defense-Air Force Party Committee (term 2020-2025). The Executive Board also convened the first session to elect 6 members to the Standing Board.

As many as 37 official delegates and 2 alternate delegates were selected to attend the 11th Military Party Congress.

The congress passed a Resolution and an Action Program to realize the Resolution with 14 contents and 83 solutions; approved the Review Report of the Air Defense-Air Force Party Committee (term 2015-2020); and concluded the discussions and draft documents of the 13th National Party Congress, draft political report of the Central Military Commission.

Lieutenant General Lam Quang Dai elected as Secretary of the Party Committee (term 2020-2025). (Photo:

In the 2015-2020 term, the Air Defense-Air Force Party Committee strictly observed the leadership of the Party, and the Central Military Commission; made every effort to overcome difficulties and challenges; and suggested guidelines and leadership solutions to comprehensively complete objectives and tasks of the Resolution of the 9th Air Defense-Air Force Party Congress.

In his speech at the event, on behalf of the Standing Board of the Central Military Commission, General Ngo Xuan Lich recognized and hailed the achievements the Air Defense-Air Force Party Committee has made over the past term. 

He asked the Party Committee to continue thoroughly grasping resolutions, directives and conclusions of the Politburo, the Central Military Commission on military and defense; identify guidelines and leadership measures close to missions of the force; and improve fighting readiness, airspace management, flight control and unscheduled missions. 

The Minister emphasized that the Air Defense-Air Force Party Committee should attach importance to build a transparent and strong party committee which has comprehensive leadership ability and high fighting power; meeting the leadership requirements to perform tasks in the new situation./.


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