14th Hau Giang Provincial Party Congress ends successfully
At the congress

The congress focused on discussing and unanimously approving the reports submitted to the congress by the Executive Board of the 13th Hau Giang Provincial Party Committee for the 2015 – 2020 term.

The congress set out a number of main objectives, tasks and targets, such as: strengthening the block of great national unity; building the clean and strong Provincial Party Committee and political system; ensuring national defense and security; continuing sustainable and harmonious socio-economic development and environmental protection; mobilizing all investment resources for socio-economic development while giving priority to industry and sustainable agricultural development; encouraging investment in trade, service and tourism and striving to achieve a fairly average economic growth rate.

The 5-year average economic growth rate from 2021 to 2025 will reach from 6.5 - 7%/year. By 2025, the GRDP will reach from 77-80 million VND; the total social investment capital will achieve about 100 trillion VND; state budget revenue will reach 45 trillion VND. Export turnover and foreign currency collection services in 5 years will reach 4,330 million USD. The percentage of trained employees will reach 70% by 2025; the number of jobs created for employees will be 75 thousand. 85% of schools will meet national standards. More than 80%, of communes will meet new-style rural standards and one more district-level unit will meet new-style rural standards. 100% of urban population will use clean water, and 85% of the rural population.

Regarding Party building and the political system, the number of households with members of socio-political organizations will reach 82% by 2025 and the number of strong grassroots socio-political organizations will reach over 85% annually. The administrative reform index score every year of the province will be in the group of 30 leading provinces of the nation.

To achieve the above targets, the congress set out solutions such as: building and strictly implementing the plan of Hau Giang province for the 2021-2030 period and vision to 2050; opening the plan to develop industry, focusing on investing in industrial development infrastructure and transport infrastructure to well connect localities, sub-regions and regions in order to create favourable conditions for formation of chains and development axes.

It is necessary to improve the efficiency of basic construction investment management, giving priority to resources to support enterprises and cooperatives to develop and replicate efficient economic models with feasible scale, especially cyclical economic models in agriculture; build special mechanisms and policies and special incentives in a number of fields such as processing industry, high-tech agriculture; attract investment, develop businesses and cooperatives in a favorable direction, preferential treatment, easy access, low investment, contributing to the rapid and sustainable economic development.

The province will continue to promote administrative reform, focusing on early completion and operation of e-government, towards the digital government and digital economic development. Renovating the operation methods of authorities at all levels, build a lean government apparatus from the provincial level to grassroots level and their operation is transparent, effective and efficient manner.

The congress elected an Executive Board of the 14th Provincial Party Committee for the 2020 – 2025 term, including 50 members. The new Executive Board elected a Standing Board of 16 members, an Inspection Commission including 10 members, the Secretary and Deputy Secretaries of the Provincial Party Committee.

Mr. Le Tien Chau was elected as the Secretary of the 14th Hau Giang Provincial Party Committee for the 2020 – 2025 term. Mr. Tran Van Huyen, member of the Standing Board and Head of the 13th Provincial Party Committee’s Mobilization Commission, and Mr. Dong Van Thanh, member of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee and Standing Vice Chairman of the 13th Provincial People's Committee, were elected as Deputy Secretaries of the 14th Provincial Party Committee.

The congress also elected a delegation of 16 official members to attend the 13th National Party Congress.

Speaking at the closing session of the congress, Mr. Le Tien Chau, Secretary of the Hau Giang Provincial Party Committee, said that the success of the 14th Provincial Party Congress is not only due to the effort and wisdom of the delegates attending the congress, but also the active contribution of the entire Party and people in the province over the past several months.

At the same time, it is a very great source of strength, strongly encouraging the Provincial Party Committee, army and people in the province to be united, take advantage of opportunities, overcome challenges, and step firmly on the path of industrialization, modernization and international integration./.


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