Vietnamese health experts support Laos to control COVID-19 effectively
Health experts from Cho Ray hospital in Ho Chi Minh are ready to help Laos fight the COVID-19 (Photo: MoH)

Health experts from Cho Ray hospital in Ho Chi Minh are ready to help Laos fight the COVID-19 (Photo: MoH)

During their stay in Laos, the team made field trips to Champasak province from May 11 to 15, Savannakhet province from May 16 to 19, and the capital Vientiane from May 20 to 22, during which they visited villages and communes with a large number of COVID-19 infections, quarantine sites, hospitals and testing units in the localities.

They also took part in consultations for serious cases with their Lao counterparts, and held seminars sharing the Vietnamese experience in preventing and controlling the pandemic.

Through the experience learnt from fighting the pandemic in Vietnam, plus field trips in Laos, the Vietnamese medical experts made important assessment about the risks which that can lead to cross-infection and the re-emergence of the COVID-19 in the three localities, and made prompt recommendations regarding strengthened measures to contain the pandemic.

The delegation proposed their Lao colleagues develop a national plan on COVID-19 and promote communication work on COVID-19 prevention measures in order to raise the participation of the community in fighting the pandemic.

Lao’s medical staff are also suggested to shorten their tracing times of cases featuring close contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases, improve testing capacity, and establish mobile laboratories in pandemic-hit areas in order to contain the pandemic.

Lao highly appreciated the prompt and effective support of the Vietnamese medical experts, which has not only significantly contributed to gradually controlling the COVID-19 in Laos but also illustrates the solidarity and close attachment between the two countries./.


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