Hai Duong strives to become modern industrial province by 2030

Mr. Pham Binh Minh, member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, directs the congress (Photo: tienphong.vn)

The 17th Hai Duong Provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term opened solemnly on the morning of October 26. Mr. Pham Binh Minh, member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended and directed the congress.

Mr. Nguyen Duong Thai, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee, presented the Political Report of the Executive Board of the Provincial Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term.

During the 2015-2020 term, the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee achieved many important results and many targets set by the Resolution are basically achieved or exceeded the set targets. Economic growth is higher than the national average rate, the economic structure shifted rapidly in a positive direction; and state budget revenue has doubled since the beginning of the term.

Infrastructure system is invested synchronously, for modern and enhanced inter-provincial connection; urban development achieved outstanding results, the national target program on new-style rural area building exceeds the set targets; the appearance of urban and rural areas develops significantly; culture and society has a new development; social security was ensured, people's living standards are improved.

However, the investment and business environment in some fields is improved slowly; the attraction and implementation of investment projects of a number of large corporations and enterprises still face difficulties; the implementation progress of a number of key projects is still slow. Leadership capacity and fighting strength of a number of grassroots party organizations and a part of cadres and party members have not met the innovation requirements.

In the next term of 2020-2025, Hai Duong strengthens Party building and rectification; improving the leadership capacity, fighting strength of the Provincial Party Committee, effectiveness and efficiency of the political system; promoting democracy, will, aspirations and strength of the great unity of the entire people; promoting innovation, applying scientific and technological advances, mobilizing and efficiently using all resources; exploiting and maximizing the potentials and advantages of geographical location, cultural heritages, and human identity for rapid and sustainable development.

To promote socio-economic development, Hai Duong province will focus on: strongly improving the investment and business environment; attracting large enterprises to invest in the province; and supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and innovative digital technology enterprises.

The province will strive to achieve the target: Gross regional domestic product (GRDP) will increase by 9% or more on average annually; Average GRDP per capita in 2025 will reach 115 million VND, and the real income per capita in 2025 will reach 85 million VND. By 2025, Hai Duong province will be a modern-oriented industrial province; by 2030, it will be a modern industrial province, creating a foundation for Hai Duong to soon become a centrally-governed city.

Addressing the congress, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh praised and highly appreciated the comprehensive results achieved by the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee, administration and people over the past term.

Deputy Prime Minister asked the congress to analyze and clarify the achieved results, advantages and disadvantages of the province and then proposing suitable tasks, solutions and targets associated with socio-economic development and national defence and security assurance, striving to achieve the target as mentioned in the Political Report.

To achieve the above goal, the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee must have high political determination, solidarity, unity with the spirit and strong will and aspirations.

In addition to urban-economic development, the province should pay attention to the comprehensive development of social and cultural fields, and realize social progress and equity.

The Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee should be imbued with Uncle Ho's teachings, strengthening the Party building and rectifying, and a clean and strong political system. The province should focus on building cadres at all levels, especially key cadres and heads with full qualities, capabilities, and prestige./.


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