India is major supplier of raw seafood material for Vietnam

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As one of Vietnam's major suppliers of raw seafood material, Indian seafood businesses are keen to share their experience with the country to develop the seafood industry while local businesses are being encouraged to invest in the aquaculture and seafood processing sector in India, according to VOV News.

Aditya Dash, a representative of the Federation of Indian Industry made the statement during the opening session of the online fisheries expo and conference which opened with the theme of 'FISH MART' on November 25 with the aim of helping Vietnamese firms explore business opportunities and share their farming experiences with Indian partners.

During the course of the event, Le Hang, a representative of the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), briefed participants on an overview of the Vietnamese aquatic industry in recent times, along with prospects of co-operation in the field and the goals of the domestic seafood industry moving forward.

The country has so far exported seafood products to 160 foreign markets globally, with revenue reaching between USD8 and USD9 billion per year.

Most notably, shrimp exports make up between 40% and 45% of total export value, while tra and basa fish make up 22% and 25%, respectively.

During the initial nine months of the year, despite the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the nation grossed approximately USD6 billion from exporting aquatic products.

The Vietnamese fisheries sector aims to contribute roughly 30% of the GDP of the agro-forestry-fishery industry by 2030, with total output of fishery products reaching 10 million tonnes.

Following the signing of 16 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with the world’s major seafood consumption markets, the local fisheries sector is able to increase exports in the long-term as a means of fulfilling the set target./.


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