Central province disburses USD7.2 million in FNGOs assistance

Thanh Hoa province signs cooperation deals with INGOs. (Photo: TDO)

So said Nguyen Van Thi, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, during a meeting of the province’s leaders with INGOs and international organizations held on November 24.

According to Mr. Thi, the management of INGOs aid has been conducted strictly, which was appreciated by INGOs. “From 2008 to 2018, the disbursement of INGOs assistance reached USD93.16 million, or roughly VND2.159 trillion,” he said, adding that the disbursement figure was estimated to reach USD7.2 million.

The assistance has mainly been spent on projects in agriculture, rural development, poverty reduction, increase of people’s capacity, healthcare, education, addressing social problems, environmental protection, prevention and mitigation of natural disasters’ consequences, and adaptation to climate change.

“These are areas of top priority in the province as they both satisfy people’s needs and contribute to accelerating poverty reduction and local socio-economic development,” Mr. Thi added.

He pledged that the province would continue to make the most favourable conditions for the operation of INGOs.

On the same day, the province signed deals with 6 NGOs for continued cooperation.

With a population of over 3.64 million, Thanh Hoa is the 3rd most populous province of Vietnam, with 11 mountainous districts inhabited by some 1.2 million people and some 600,000 ethnic minority people. Seven of its mountainous districts belong to the list of 62 poorest districts of the country, where residents lead difficult lives./.


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