Building Quang Ninh into dynamic and comprehensive development center

In 2021, Quang Ninh looks to achieve a growth rate of more than 10%

The People’s Council set overall goals and 16 specific economic, social and environmental targets for the 2021-2025 period.

The overall goal is to turn Quang Ninh into a province with modern services and industry, one of the dynamic and comprehensive development hubs in the northern region.

The specific targets include an annual GRDP growth of 10 percent and per capita GRDP surpassing 10,000 USD by 2025. The poverty rate will be reduced by an average 0.08 percent each year.

Also in 2025, industry-construction is to account for 49-50% of the province’s economy, services 46-47 percent and agro-forestry-fisheries 3-5 percent.

Quang Ninh will strive to maintain its place among the top localities in terms of provincial competitiveness index, administrative reform index, and Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index.

By the end of 2023, Quang Ninh is to have all its communes and districts meet new-style rural area standards.

The provincial People’s Council outlined five key groups of tasks and solutions to realize the set targets. Accordingly, the province will accelerate the implementation of the three strategic breakthroughs, mobilize all resources, and diversify forms of investment for rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.

Quang Ninh will push the renewal of growth model, economic restructuring and the shift from “brown” (coal-based) to “green” economy.

In 2021, the province looks to achieve a growth rate of more than 10%./.


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