First Vietnamese Ambassador to Laos honoured

The book, which consists of 132 pages, records partial diplomatic activities of Mr. Le Van Hien from 1962 to1976 as the first Vietnamese Ambassador to Laos.

In particular, it includes many valuable documents, which are Ambassador Le Van Hien's own records during the 15 years he worked in Laos. The book also contains a number of articles, assessments and comments of former high-ranking Lao leaders, of General Vo Nguyen Giap, related to the working life and the contributions of Ambassador Le Van Hien to the Vietnamese and Lao revolutions, and the relationship between the two countries.

The book also provides valuable documents about the turbulent history of Laos in the 1960 – 1975 period, when the Lao patriotic revolutionary forces led by the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and Prince Souphanouvong were representatives, persisting in the path of struggling for national unification.

The author has studied extensively many documents and photos about the talented and moral first Vietnamese Ambassador to Laos, who took the role of bridging the Vietnam – Laos friendship.

In addition, the book relies on documents collected at archives and museums of both Vietnam and Laos regarding the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries, along with the works of historical researchers and officers working in the diplomatic field during the period when Ambassador Le Van Hien took up his assignment in Laos.

Dr. Singthong Singhapanya said that during his interviews with high-ranking Lao officials to compile the book, all highly appreciated the role, results and contributions of Ambassador Le Van Hien to the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States and peoples.

The publication of the book will help Lao people understand more about Laos' struggle for national liberation, with the fact that there are things that Laos cannot do on their own but require help from friend countries, especially Vietnam. This information will contribute to helping the next generations better understand and continue to contribute to the national defense and construction of Laos and Vietnam./.


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