Bringing Resolution of 11th Dong Nai Provincial Party Congress into life

Secretary of the Dong Nai Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phu Cuong  at the event (Source:

The second meeting of the Executive Board of the 11th Dong Nai Provincial Party Committee, term 2020-2025, took place in Dong Nai province on January 7.

The meeting aimed to review and evaluate results of the implementation of Resolution 14-NQ /TU of Executive Board of the Provincial Party Committee 2020; Resolution of the Executive Board on a number of major tasks and solutions in 2021; working program of the first quarter and the whole year 2021 of the Executive Board of the Provincial Party Committee; and results of  inspection, supervision and mobilization affairs in 2020, tasks in 2021.

Participants also gave comments on the regulations and working program of the Executive Board of the 11th Provincial Party Committee; the full-term inspection and supervision program of the Executive Board of the 11th Provincial Party Committee; and the working regulations of the Provincial Party Committee Commission of Inspection.

Speaking at the conference, Secretary of the Dong Nai Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phu Cuong requested to properly assess results achieved in 2020; specify the limitations, weaknesses, and subjective reasons for the criteria that have not been met according to the resolution of the Provincial Party Committee./.


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